Trip highlights

Your itinerary

  • Day

    Hello Sweden!

    Ostersund - Storulvan Mountain Station arrow_forward

    After touching down in Ostersund, we hop in our rental cars and make our way towards Storulvan Mountain Station where we spend our first night. We stash up on food, wood and shnaps (of course) for our trip ahead.

  • Day

    First day on the skis

    Storulvan Mountain Station - Gasen Mountain Cabin arrow_forward

    We start the day early with a good hearty breakfast in Storulvan station before heading out for our first leg of skiing. This is a stamina test as we're sliding through 20kms of mountain terrain, mostly uphill, until we reach the smallest and least visited cabin on our route.

  • Day

    Towards Helags

    Gasen Mountain Cabin - Helags Mountain Station arrow_forward

    After a day of mostly uphill, today we push further in a combination of uphill and downhill ski touring for appox 17km, until we reach Helags Mountain Station, which boasts views of Sweden's southernmost glacier. We treat ourselves to a well deserved beer, some good food and a sauna.

  • Day

    Down, then steep up

    Helags Mountain Station - Sylarna Mountain Station arrow_forward

    The first part of our tour today is downhill, followed by a steep climb up. Keep our next mountain station in mind as Sylarna awaits with a dining room where you can book a three course meal, a refreshing beer and views of Syl massif.

  • Day

    Final day on the skis

    Sylarna Mountain Station - Storulvan Mountain Station arrow_forward

    It's our final day on the skis! Easy skiing and the shortest route on the trip awaits as we ski around 15km downhill that will take approx 4 hours. We return back to base camp, unwind at the bar after having completed 70km of skiing in just 5 days!

  • Day


Where you'll stay

  • Cute Mountain Cabins

    Pretty much in the middle of nowhere surrounded by the sound of silence, stars, northern lights (fingers crossed) and the echo of our your laughter. Kidding, not kidding. We'll be staying in catered and self catered cabins. To some we'll bring our own food, and in others cold beers, food and saunas await. 

  • Season 2026

    Coming soon !